PsihoProfile is a support platform for psychological assessment and counselling!

From the perspective of a PRACTITIONER psychologist, PsihoProfile is a psychological assessment and counselling platform where psychologists have simultaneous access to different assessment tools:
  • from personality assessment inventories recognized by the Romanian College of Psychologists, to simple questionnaires or scales or international clinical scales such as PID-5, all verified and optimized in terms of psychometric qualities (internal consistency, factorial structure, etalon, etc.); 
  • with differentiated access to both Psychological Assessment Reports and Individual Counselling Reports or Interview Reports;
From the perspective of a psychologist TRAINER or academic teacher, PsihoProfile tools and facilities can be an excellent medium for training practical skills to current students, future practitioners, who have unlimited access to PsihoProfile facilities and tools (
  • allowing them to exercise practical skills and realise various applications, from registering or assessing clients to generating complex Counselling Reports from the data gathered through PsihoProfile;
  • with the possibility of adapting the suggested applications or creating new applications and setting optional topics, applications for the seminar activity or applications included in the final practical skills assessment by the trainer;
From the perspective of a STUDENT at psychology, PsihoProfile can be very helpful both in carrying out the practical applications required in the seminar/lab as well as in identifying useful tools for the Bachelor/Dissertation thesis:
  • providing students access to all PsychoProfile tools and the possibility to apply them both online and in printed version (pencil and paper);
  • offering relevant details on how these instruments can be used for research purposes, in the document "Research Guidelines" in the "Documents" area (on the rightside) of the description of each instrument (Psychological Tests - Questionnaire Title);

From the point of view of a RESEARCH psychologist, PsihoProfile offers the opportunity to develop, as an author, original or particular psychological assessment tools
  • providing the online interface for implementing the items, scoring system, standards and text of the evaluation reports in PsihoProfile;
  • allowing gathering, in a relatively short time, of hundreds or thousands of assessments made in real assessment situations, whether public or private;
  • providing relevant data to make analyses to check and calibrate the tools used and to create and optimize, also in PsihoProfile, new versions of that questionnaire or tool until a perfectly optimized and validated version is reached;


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