The DSC questionnaire (Determinants of Structural Career Change)
What are his/her reasons and how determined is he/she for a career change?

The DSC questionnaire (Determinants of Structural Career Change; Constantin & all 2022) allows the assessment of 18 factors that (a) could be the basis of a person's decision to make a significant career change, including the decision to leave a job (if the analysis is conducted at the individual level) or that (b) could be the main predictors of turnover (if the analysis is conducted at the collective level).  

There are numerous empirical studies and several meta-analyses in the literature that have confirmed and reconfirmed (based on the analysis of dozens of similar studies, conducted in different countries, in different contexts, by different research teams) the factors that may underline the decision to leave a job[i/] and that are considered predictors of turnover. Building on the findings of two recent extensive meta-analyses (Griffeth, Hom, & Gaertner, 2000; Rubenstein, Eberly, Lee, & Mitchell, 2018), we operationalized 18 individual dimensions/factors most commonly and strongly associated with the intention or act of leaving a job

The DSC questionnaire consists of 90 questions related to ideas, feelings, thoughts, or reactions people have at work or in relation with their job. Employees answering these questions are asked to decide to what extent (how often or how strongly) they have had such thoughts, feelings or reactions in the last month, by marking their choice with an "X" on a five-step scale from "To a very little extent" to "To a very large extent!".
The statistical analysis of the answers given by each individual allows us to estimate the values for 18 psychological dimensions that could be at the basis of the decision to make a significant professional change/leave a job, factors grouped into four categories: 
•     job characteristics (job autonomy, task clarity, organisational support, promotion opportunities and fringe benefits), 
•     the collective/organisational context in which the employee works (group cohesion, leadership style, distributive justice and organisational climate
•     the job attitudes towards the person being assessed (job satisfaction, job burnout, organisational commitment, job compatibility, self-confidence)
•     resignation tendencies of the person(s) completing the questionnaire (job burnout, dissatisfaction with colleagues, thoughts of retirement, seeking job offers, etc.).

The DSCi questionnaire (individual) is applicable in a career counselling/career management context in order to: (a) assess an employee's need to make a significant career change (including leaving the current job); (b) help them to become aware of the personal and organisational factors that could be behind this decision (critical determinants) and (c) decide on a career change or a re-adaptation to the current job conditions based on the identified critical determinants.

The DSCc questionnaire (collective) is applicable in organisational diagnosis situations, to estimate, collectively and confidentially (completion is anonymous, employees do not sign): (a) the likelihood of current employees leaving their current job (by reference to a benchmark or to data obtained in the previous assessment), (b) the critical factors that could underline such decisions (predictors of turnover intention) and (c) possible solutions or measures to prevent/reduce turnover, focused on interventions at the level of the critical factors identified above. 

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