The Perceptions and Attitudes about Self (PAS)

The PAS  Questionnaire (Self Perceptions and Attitudes), focuses on assessing four key personality dimensions: evaluative perceptions of self (self-image), predisposition to give socially desirable responses (facade tendency), negative attitudes about self or personal past (self-deprecation) and moral values or attitudes (moral integrity). These four aspects are defining both for assessing and understanding individual personality and for estimating the extent to which the person being assessed tends to distort responses to items on a personality questionnaire or to questions in an interview/anamnesis guide.

Each of the four dimensions of the PAS Questionnaire is assessed through 21 items grouped into three factors. The first two sets of items were extracted from previous versions of two questionnaires on PsihoProfile, following analyses on samples of over 14,000 ratings (ASSI - "Self-Depreciation, Self-Esteem, Infatuation") or 7,300 ratings (SD - "Social Desirability"). The third set was pretested on a sample of 1,500 participants in a questionnaire called WLQ ("Winner - Loser Questionnaire"). 

The PAS questionnaire consists of 84 items, statements "about yourself, your honesty and your self-image", which the respondent has to analyse and decide to what extent they are true for him/her on a five-step scale (0 - "Never true", 1 - "Rarely true", 3 - "Sometimes true", 4 - "Often true" and 5 - "Always true").  

After completing the questionnaire, the individual ratings are related to the gender and age specific yardstick, allowing the identification of the individual psychological profile of self-perceptions and attitudes:
 - SELF-IMAGE (Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Achievement);
 - SOCIAL DESIRABILITY (Self-deception, Self-presentation, Exaggeration);
 - SELF-DEVALUATION (Gratitude(-), Regret, Self-deprecation); 
 - MORAL INTEGRITY (Sincerity, Honesty, Morality).
In interpreting the results obtained with the PAS questionnaire, only the extreme scores (1, 2 and 9.10 for the 4 major dimensions and values 1 and 8 for the 12 subscales) are taken into account. High extreme scores on the "self-image" and "facade tendency" scales draw our attention to possible positive distortions (fake good) in the final results of the personality inventories, while low extreme scores draw our attention to possible negative distortions (fake bad) in such assessments. Possible negative distortions of the results, generated by a pessimistic and self-deprecating perception, may also be associated with high scores on the "Self-deprecation" scales.  High (extreme) scores on the "Moral Integrity" scales can put us on guard about the sincerity, honesty and moral flexibility of the person being assessed.

The use of the PAS Questionnaire is essential in assessments where it is important to assess the self-image, presentation to others, self-deprecating tendencies and moral integrity of the person being assessed, or in situations where we need to verify and confirm that the psychological profile obtained from completing several personality inventories is accurate, unbiased by particular tendencies (those described above) and representative of the person being assessed.

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